Posts tagged IOP
Dealing With Extreme Hunger in Eating Disorder Recovery

If you are someone who’s never experienced any form of disordered eating, then hunger is most likely a very normal part of your day… something you don’t give a second thought to. You feel hunger pangs, so you eat food until the feeling subsides. But for those who are combatting restrictive forms of eating disorders, hunger is the enemy. Many of us have tried everything under the sun to allude it, but hunger can only be defeated with one thing: food.

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Eating Disorders: How to Know When You Need Help, Where to Start, and What to Expect

Making the decision to seek help for your eating disorder can feel like the most confusing, frustrating, and isolating thing in the world. When chronic dieting and the pressures to constantly change ourselves is the cultural norm, it can be difficult to decipher if what you’re struggling with is a true, diagnosable eating disorder or some other underlying issue. Regardless of whether your eating patterns are diagnosable as an eating disorder or not, an unhealthy relationship with food is never good. If you find yourself restricting your intake, constantly thinking about food, and feel like the number on the scale or the calorie count on the package controls your life, it’s time to make a change. An unhealthy relationship with food, even without the “official” label of an eating disorder, should be addressed and healed (ideally with the support of a professional). If interested, you can use the National Eating Disorder Associations screening tool by clicking here.

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