Speaking & Endorsements
If you’re a brand who’s core values align with my own, I would love to discuss the possibility of a mutually beneficial partnership. Please keep in mind that I do not work with all prospective clients as I place my professional standards as a dietitian at the forefront of all working relationships. It is of upmost importance to me that I maintain patient trust, meaning I will never work with a brand that I do not 100% stand behind. In other words, if I wouldn’t recommend your product to a patient, then I will have to decline an offer to partner. Please feel free to contact me regarding a potential partnership.
Speaking Engagements
Guest speaking options include, but are not limited to, corporate lunch and learns, health fair presentations, school assemblies, and classroom video conferencing. If you’re interested in entertaining and engaging nutrition presentations tailored to your groups education level and personal need, please contact me to discuss details and rates.
Guest Writing and Editorials
Are you interested in having a dietitian write a guest post for your media outlet? I would love to help! With a passion for nutrition writing, I’m hopeful I can lend my knowledge and expertise to your blog or website. The content I create is not only reliable, but it is up to date, relevant, and consistent with what I teach my own patients. Please contact me for rates.